
Grand Final

  • THBT academics should NOT publicly debate famous pseudoscientists (e.g., advocates of science denialism, hoaxes, conspiracy theories, etc.)
  • Novice Finals

  • THBT a significantly greater number of "EPoints" should be distributed to politicians than to business owners
  • Nov Semifinals

  • This house believes that humanity should invest considerable amount of resources into the exploration of deep space
  • Semifinals

  • TH, as the British government in 1942 W materially and publicly support the Chetniks instead of the Partisans.
  • Round 4

  • THP the open qualifier system over the franchising system in eSports.
  • Round 3

  • THP founding a new debate club using the faculty-run model over the student-run model
  • Round 2

  • THBT, in countries with mandatory military conscription (e.g., South Korea), feminist groups should advocate for the conscription of women
  • Round 1

  • THBT it is in the interest of the CCP to significantly increase the number of immigrants it accepts.